Holiday Gift Giving Guide
Happy Holidays everyone! I have decided to make gift giving easy for you this year by putting together some ideas for you. I absolutely love being creative and making things for my clients. I have quite a few options for you to choose from. All of these options are great for friends, family members, teachers, coworkers, neighbors, or really anyone!
The first option is a gift certificate for a healing session or an angel card reading. The gift certificates can be for an denomination. Angel Card Readings are $30, Intuitive Readings are $50 and One House Healing Sessions are $100. {If you purchase a gift certificate before December 31, 2018, you will receive a free gift for YOU-gifts vary on availability.} Watch the video below if you are wanting to know more about what energy healing is.
2. The second option is my wonderful hand crafted sprays. I have two options available for sprays. The first is Sage Spray $10 and High Vibe Spray which is also $10.
Sage Spray is a blend of wonderful essential oils and other items to help with the vibration. Spray this to clear and cleanse away any negative energies.
High Vibe Spray is so amazing smelling. This spray is made to uplift and amplify the positive vibes. Spray around you or on you to feel your vibe raise!
3. If you would much rather have items to burn for cleansing and uplifting the vibe, I have wonderful Cleansing Bundles. The bundle comes with a bundle of Sage, Palo Santo -also known as “Holy Wood”, and a clear quartz point. These bundles are $10.
4. Pre-Order your moon phase journal. This is hand crafted by yours truly. Once you open the front cover you will see all of the different moon phases, description of each, a personalized note from me and all dates for 2019 Full Moons and New Moons. The intention is for you or the recipient to journal about their journey in 2019 in accordance to the moon phases. The journals are $15 + shipping and handling.
5. Lastly is customized stone sets. The set that I feature is the Chakra stone set, but I can also customize sets that help with grief, love, abundance, joy, anxiety, etc. If you or the recipient need stones to carry around with you these sets are wonderful. You can carry these in your pockets, bra ;) or use them to sleep with or during meditation. Sets vary in price.