Archangel Series...Part 2
I'm going to cover two very important Archangels today, Archangels Michael and Raphael. And no, I am not going to be talking about Leonardo and Donatello (those are the TMNT). I will explain their importance and what their main focus is, the color that represents them, and at the end how you can ask for their guidance and assistance in your every day life. All of the information I will be sharing today is from the book, The Secrets of Angel Healing, which I shared a link for in Part 1.
Archangel Michael, whose name means, Who is as God or Who can stand against God. Archangel Michael is the greatest protector and can offer instant protection when called upon. He guides us in releasing fears, He is the commander-in-chief of all Archangels, and leads the Heavenly forces. I always call upon Archangel Michael before working on any healing so I have the protection I need and the guidance to help release any and all fears for myself or my cleints.
The color that Archangel Michael is associated with is sapphire-blue. If you want to use any healing crystals when calling upon Archangel Michael, think about the sapphire-blue crystals, lapis lazuli, blue sapphire, and kyanite. Because Archangel Michael carries a sword that is sapphire-blue flame, he is often associated with the empowerment and development of the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. This ray represents both the power and the will of God, as well as the powers of faith, protection, and truth. If you are feeling like you are needing extra protection, especially when releasing fears or learning to speak your truth, call upon the energy of Archangel Michael. And feel his energy as he comes to guide you and protect you.
From the book, The Secrets of Angel Therapy by Hazel Raven
Now lets talk about Archangel Raphael, whose name means, "God has healed." Calling upon Archangel Raphael is very important when doing any healing on yourself or others. All sessions include me calling upon his magnificent energy. I know he will offer additional support and guidance when doing any healing work. I allow myself to be a vessel that he works through. {Among all of the other Archangels}. "The Archangel Raphael is the healing aspect of the Lord. He is known as the physician of the angelic realm, the Divine healer, for healing yourself and helping you find the inner guidance, love, compassion, balance and inspiration to heal others."
The color that represents Archangel Raphael is green, green being the color for universal healing. The stone you can use when working with Archangel Raphael is the emerald stone. Try working with Archangel Raphael when doing any form of healing or mediation. Imagine the bright green light coming in for healing of all forms.
From the book, The Secrets of Angel Healing by Hazel Raven
If you would like to experience a healing with Archangel Michael and Raphael, please contact me at
Come along with me next week as I introduce you to Archangels Uriel and Gabriel.