Sound Healing Experience

Why do I love sound healing? What is sound healing? About a year ago, I experienced my first ever sound healing activation. I attended this activation at Green Lotus in Lakeville. There were crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, a gong, tuning form and probably a few other tools. I remember laying there, unable to calm my mind and body. After the first twenty minutes, the teacher came and placed a Tibetan bowl on my Solar plexus and after that, I remember nothing. I remember seeing colors, Angels and Guides and being led to beautiful purple light.

After that initial experience, I knew I wanted to go back for more. The second time I went, it was much more relaxing and I almost immediately left my โ€œhead spaceโ€ and started the healing journey. The one thing I knew, I had to get my hands on my own singing bowls.

I was so grateful when my friend gifted me her solar plexus singing bowl. I was in tears and so excited! My second singing bowl came just a few weeks ago at Christmas. It was gifted to me from my in-laws and is my first crystal bowl.

I love to incorporate these beautiful bowls in the healing sessions that I do. The vibrations from the singing bowls align with different chakras and help to align and balance your energy. The crystal singing bowl is attuned to the heart chakra. Which is beautiful as the heart chakra bridges the Heaven (upper 3 and beyond) chakras to the Earth (lower 3 and beyond) chakras.

Another sound healing tool I absolutely love is my sacred drum. Which I was so fortunate enough to make my own this past September. The sacred drum is a beautiful way to feel grounded. I use this in my healing sessions to assist my clients in grounding and releasing. It can also help you to connect to animal spirits and guides!

Watch this video to learn more.

A short introduction on sound healing and how I incorporate these tools into my energy healing sessions!

To schedule a healing session with sound healing, please email me at, or you can also text or call at 715-245-0211


Connecting to your Spirit Guides


Nature Love