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Using the Power of a New Moon

We are just a day away from having a new moon, which falls on June 13, 2018. A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about the full moon energy and now I'd like to share about the new moon. This isn't just a regular new moon, it is a super new moon. Which means the energy we would normally experience with a new moon is amplified. When there is a new moon, the Earth, Sun and moon are positioned in a line. We can't actually see the moon when there is a new moon, because it sits between the Earth and the Sun, with the Sun shining on the moon, which makes it so we cannot see it. 

The new moon is all about rebirth, new beginnings, setting intentions, setting goals, and starting something new. With this being the first of three super new moons, {the next in July and then in August-hold on because we are going to experience some very powerful energy these next few months}, we will be able to get very clear on our goals and new beginnings. 

So what can you do to use this new moon energy? Let me share with you. 

1) Find a sacred place where you can focus and meditate. 

2) Start by clearing your body and energy spray. Using a smudge stick of some sort, sage is great or even a spray. 

3) Light a white candle and focus on taking some deep breaths. Grounding down into  your physical body. 

4) Take a glimpse back over the last month and focus on what you want to change or really work on over this time period. 

5) On a piece of paper, write down your goals and those things you want to achieve. {I don't necessary like to call them goals, but the things you want to manifest and create in your life} Be very clear on your goals/intentions. The more clear you are the better the Universe will understand your intentions. So the more specific the better. 

6) Send them off to the Universe with love and light, by reading them out loud. 

7) Lastly, make sure you are doing something to help create and speed along the process of making your new goals/intentions a reality. 

Remember the energy leading up to this moon has made quite of people feel a little bit more "off" than normal. If you've been feeling stuck in a rut and wanting a change, this is the time to go for it. Let go of fear, set clear intentions you are wanting and push through. Also through all of this it is important to stay grounded. Go get what you are wanting, this is not the time to sit around and wait for it to come to you! Use this beautiful energy to do what ever it is you are wanting in your life!

Signing off for now {so I can go write my intentions},


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Full Moon Rising...

Are you familiar with how powerful the energy of a Full Moon can be? Most people are aware of how amazing the Full Moon is. But some people might disagree with "amazing" and might use terms like "crazy". If you work around children, patients, just other people, then you know that leading up to a Full Moon the energy can make people a little "wild". Whatever energy you are feeling a few days leading up to the Full Moon, that energy will be amplified. If you are feeling mad, then you can expect that to be amplified. If you are feeling happy and full of energy, expect more of that. 

I wanted to share 5 tips on how you can focus your energy a few days leading up to a Full Moon and after. And then also a ritual you can do during the Full Moon. 

1) Ground Yourself: When you start to feel other peoples energy get a little "crazy" or "off course", take time to ground and center yourself as much as possible. This is especially important the few days leading up to the Full Moon. 

2) Meditate: This can be done under the Full Moon or in a quiet space. Taking time for yourself, reflection and just listening is the key of this time. 

 3) Clear your crystals: The Full Moon energy is great energy to clear and recharge your crystals. It clears out the old stagnant energy and allows new energy to come in. 

4) Get outside under the Full Moon light: All you need is a clear view of the Full Moon. Focus and reflect on the wonderful things in your life. Again, if there are things that are no longer needing your energy, release. 

5) Get clear on what you want to release: Look back at the last month and see what was working for you and what wasn't. Are there things that are no longer serving you or highest and best good? Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down what you are no longer wanting/needing in your life. 

The day of the Full Moon there are many rituals you can partake, many different things you can do based on your beliefs. Everyone does things a little differently and that is perfect. Watch the video below to see what my ritual consists of. 




I'd LOVE to hear from you and hear about your Full Moon Rituals. Please feel free to contact me by email

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Spirit around you...

 My belief is that we are all born with intuitive/spiritual gifts. It is how we are raised whether those gifts are accepted or not. A lot of religions do not accept certain spiritual practices outside of the church, calling them all sorts of names, "devil", "evil", etc. I'm not trying to start a debate or a discussion on right or wrong, but just read a little more to gain insight on what my beliefs are. What if we all just accepted peoples beliefs as their own unique journey on this planet? Without putting any labels on others beliefs and just going with the flow and allowing and seeing things with love.

I was never told as a child that seeing Spirit was a good or bad thing, I don't even recall it being brought up as a topic of right or wrong. What I do remember was being fascinated when hearing stories about ghosts and spirit. As a little girl, my mom had a few friends that had a lot of encounters with Spirits. It would always intrigue me and I never felt harmed or scared from their stories. In fact, I remember wanting to have similar experiences. I am sure I did have my own experiences but I don't recall any of them.

When my first son was born, the experiences started happening more frequently and having a deeper impact on me. Each encounter that I have had since my son was born, has taught me so much and has really helped me develop the skills I use on a daily basis, in my practice. 

When he was 8 months old, I went to have an energy session done. In this particular session, I was able to connect with my grandfather. It was so incredible and the details that the medium gave me were on point. Things about him that only I would know. He showed her a picture of a cardinal sitting in a windowsill. Ever since his passing, I have had a cardinal statue sitting in my windowsill, in every house I have lived in. I came home that day and was sitting in the living room, playing with my 8 month old. He looked up to the ceiling and said, "Papa". My son was the one who saw my grandpa with me that day, mind you my son had never really spoken a word before. My son would also lay in his crib at night or at naptime and babble and giggle to himself. My grandpa, when he was alive, was quite the jokester, always cracking wise ass jokes and sticking out his tongue. I am a firm believer that my grandpa was and is always with him. All of these moments that unraveled with my son kept making me believe more and more in the Spirit world and knowing that Spirits are always with us. 

Here is another story with my son...  Three years ago we moved into our house, my son was 2.5 years old. Every time my son would go into his bedroom he would either get really hyper and full of energy or a little scared and timid. It was an odd thing to see. Behavior that he hadn't really experienced before. He would come out of his room and say, "I don't want that man in my bedroom." With a  little research and connecting with other mediums, we had found out that there was an old man that living on this property before our house was born. His Spirit was still with the house and he was so happy and excited to have a young child in the house. There hadn't been young children to live in this house in quite some time. He was not a harmful Spirit at all, just happy to see a young child here. After a few weeks, we finally had to ask his Spirit to move on and to go somewhere else, because we didn't want our son to feel anxious in his room. After we had asked his Spirit to leave, he hasn't been back. It has been much more peaceful for my son in our home. 

My children have also seen me go through some loss of loved ones before. We openly discuss the people who have passed away and their presence in heaven. When my children hear a big crack of thunder, they know their angels are bowling in Heaven. We are open and honest about a lot of things. And I will forever allow them to be open and connected to the Spirit world, without shame or fear.

*Side Note: I recently had a family member voice their concern for me and my children. I don't think it was meant in a bad way or anything, maybe just out of concern or curiosity. I am sure there are more family members or friends with the same concern. Here is my response for any one have curiosity or concern. I do not attend church at this time nor do I bring my children to church. This isn't because my Spiritual world has taken over my religion. I feel just as connected to God, if not more, with the work that I do vs. sitting in a church pew once a week. I pray, speak and connect to God on a daily basis with the work that I do. All with good intentions for the highest and best good of myself and the clients I work with. I usually don't use the term God in doing so. I use the term Source/Spirit/Universe as I cater to the people I am working with. It is all a term that means the same-God. I do not enforce my children to go to church, but I teach them and talk to them, open and honestly about God. I allow them to connect to Spirit in ways that make them feel safe and confident. 

The most important and influential experiences I have had have shaped me into the person I am today. I hope as a mother I can share these experiences with my children and that they share their experiences with me as well. I have seen, felt, heard, smelled things that reassure me that Spirits are always with me. 

Here is a picture as to one time I felt a Spirit with me. I was connecting with a love one who had passed and then looked in the sky to see this...



I'd love to hear from you. I love hearing other peoples experiences with Spirit, Angels, etc. 

Feel free to comment here or email me at

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Ah-ha moment

Learn about seasonal allergies and the amazing work I had done.

I've been racking my brain on what it is that I want to write about. And then all of a sudden I had a fricken ah-ha moment. To share some of my own spiritual experiences. Where do I even start with my experiences? Sitting outside today led me to a conversation with a coworker and it inspired me to share a pretty cool moment. 

So my ah-ha moment that I was just reminded of was allergies. You're probably thinking, "haha what is she even talking about and how can allergies be part of her spiritual path?" I'm sitting outside today and was having a conversation with a coworker about food sensivities and allergies. I said, "I am lucky I have never really had allergies before, oh wait yeah I guess I have had pretty serious seasonal allergies." I actually have not experienced seasonal allergies in over two years. I use to take all sorts of different allergy medications most of my adult life, especially in the Spring when all of the beautiful nature started to bloom. I could barely be outside for five minutes before I would start having the sniffles and sneezes. 

I remember the day that being "cleared" for seasonal allergies was on the agenda for my healing session. I say being cleared in parenthesis because I want to explain what that actually means. We all have a belief system {you may have read about that in one of my first posts on energy} that started in utero in this lifetime and actually some beliefs can be carried with our souls through multiple lifetimes. The day I went to have energy work done, I was being worked on to release my belief that I needed to experience seasonal allergies, as it was passed on from generations down to me. My mom and grandma have also had seasonal allergies throughout their life. It was kind of that "ah-ha" moment that I did not need to carry this belief with me and I no longer needed to have this as my experience. Ta-DA! While focusing on that change of belief, I no longer experience allergies. My son, who now is five, also experienced seasonal allergies a few years ago. I did the same form of energy clearing and he is no free and clear from those attachments to allergies as well. {Ding ding ding-we have a winner-no more passing down the generation belief tied to seasonal allergies}. I have to give credit to Natasha Lahn at Golden Lotus Healing Center in Prescott, who worked her magic of energy healing with me and has also taught me so much to do on my own. 

Its cute and funny though, as I was putting him to bed the other night he had the sniffles and runny nose, and I said "Oh you must have a little bit of allergies." I quickly paused and he said, "I'll have to tell my teacher tomorrow that I have allergies." I had to reprogram my thoughts and turn to him and said, "Instead of saying you have allergies, say that you are strong and healthy and free of allergies." I did notice that the next day and evening at bedtime all was well again. 

I thought I just had to share one of my spiritual/energy/belief stories with all of you. Take a look at where your beliefs in life may be limiting you in some form or fashion. Do you suffer from allergies/food sensitivities/etc.? Just know that you do not have to limit yourself. There are tools and techniques to help you change your beliefs of that which limit you. I'm not saying that everyone has to go out and get released of these things, but if it at all interests you, I can point you into the right direction. 

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Grounding and Being in the Flow

Learn about grounding, techniques, and listen to a guided grounding meditation.


The picture above is from yesterday {April 29, 2018}. My family and I had just went on a walk and the boys wanted to stop and throw some rocks in the river. I thought, "I am taking advantage of this moment to connect to Mother Earth and to just be in the flow". My five year old kept asking me, "Mom why do you have your socks and shoes off?" I just kept telling him how good it felt to just be barefoot. My husband finally said to him, "because there is good energy in the Earth." OMG, melt my heart. They were both just so cute, my son being all worried why I was barefoot and my hubby getting the whole energy thing.

It is so important to take time out of your day to connect to Mother Earth {also known as Grounding/Earthing}. Its the process of connecting to that wonderful energy to bring balance back into your life. Maybe you go day to day feeling anxious, stressed, have "out of body" experiences, or pick up on others emotions way too much. When you connect to Mother Earth you can instantly feel a shift or relief if your own energy. Some people like to walk barefoot or to sit in the grass with your feet connected, some like to ground by gardening and getting their hands in the dirt, and when these options aren't available, you can visualize the connection. 

Most people are empaths {feel others energy} without even knowing they are empaths. Meaning, you can go from complete happiness, someone walks into the room and you feel their sadness or anger. This would be a good time to ground yourself. Or maybe on a daily basis you have stress or anxiety. Typically, when I work with my clients, and they experience anxiety, it is coming from an imbalance in the root chakra {the chakra that is located at the base of the spine}. A way to balance this chakra is to feel connected and that connection comes from Mother Earth. Are you still following? So what can you do to feel connected to Mother Earth? Use the options I listed above. Get outside and connect with Mother Earth in whichever way feels good to you. If you can't get outside to connect {cause lets be honest, who is going to go barefoot in the snow. Let's hope we are done with that}, you can then visualize the connection to Mother Earth. Listen to the audio below to be guided in that visualization. Start to practice this on a daily basis. It can be a practice you also do multiple times throughout your day. It should be done first thing in the morning, throughout the day if you are feeling anxious/stressed/out of body, and then at the end of your day to clear out any energy you may have picked up on through the day. The more you practice any form of grounding technique, the stress subsides, the anxiety diminishes and you start to live a life having a better connection to Mother Earth, with less fear. Doesn't that just sound amazing?

Take time throughout your day to just stop and connect. Take advantage of this beautiful weather. You can even just sit against a tree, hug a tree, connect to the Earth in whichever way feels really good. 

The other part of this blog is to be in the flow. When you sit next to the water, listen to the noise it makes, watch the way the water flows. When you bring this practice into your life, life just flows better. Again, lessening or diminishing the stress and anxiety in life. You can do this exercise by sitting next to water or when you are in the bath or shower. Letting the water just flow and wash away any fears, worries, doubts, etc. 

Please enjoy the guided grounding meditation below!

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The Way of the Shaman: Power of Ceremony

I attended a workshop this past Sunday, April 22nd {Earth Day} called "The Way of the Shaman; Power of Ceremony". I went into this workshop knowing just little bits and pieces of what a Shaman was. If I knew just little bits and pieces, why was I drawn to this particular workshop? 

Over the last few years, I have had experiences working with Shaman's. I have met some wonderful people that are Shaman's and whenever I have worked with these individuals I feel a deep connection to the messages and healing they share. For example, this past fall I was at the Palmer House is Sauk Centre, MN. I had a reading done by a lady who was a Shaman. It was the reading when she talked about the directions {more to come on this} that I had a pull at my soul that made me want to know more. At the end of the retreat weekend this same lady led a final ceremony. Again calling in the different directions and giving thanks to all that we had just experienced. Leaving me standing there with tears running down my face. It was in that moment, that I knew I needed to know and gather more information about what these directions meant.

Now here we are, about a week ago and my friend sent me information on this class. I said, "sing me up, I have to go." 

This workshop was held at the Green Lotus Yoga and Healing Center in Lakeville, taught by Laurie Wondra {I have been to several of her events and highly recommend}. At every event of hers that I have attended she calls in the directions. Here is a breakdown of the directions; East, South, West, North, Mother Earth and Father Sky. All of the directions govern different energy, animal energy, element energy, archangel energy, colors, etc. So when working with the directions you are able to connect on a deeper level of healing. I think I got ahead of myself, typical. Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition, where connecting to nature is very important. They practice a lot of ceremonies using nature in all forms. Ceremonies such as birth, marriage, death, moon phases, seasonal transitions, etc. Alright, so now, I am at this workshop learning all the ins and outs of the directions, different meanings or trees, flowers, and how to perform ceremony as Shamans do. 

The really cool and interesting part of this workshop was making tools to use for ceremony. I have pictured below a few different things we made. 

shaman tools.png

I will explain the tools above. The first thing we made was the prayer flag: the string with the red flags from. Each reg flag represents each direction. They are filled with special herbs, trees, flowers that each have a specific symbol to them. When filling each red flag we set an intention that had to do with the specific direction. So very meaningful, I have mine hanging over my altar in my office. The next thing we made was the feather. I used a turkey feather for mine. This tool is to be used to sage your space or when using palo santo. And I actually found out that the energy of this feather is strong enough that you don't need to use any smoke, as long as you set the intentions to clear or bless this space it still has the same power. {Which I love because I actually learned a lot about cleansing/blessing spaces-something I really want to do more of}. Also in the picture is a piece of Palo Santo-the wood, which is used to bring in blessings into your space, sage which is the herb looking piece-used to cleanse any energies out of your space. The last thing pictured is the flower seeds. To use during a New Moon ritual when bringing in new beginnings. A type for you all: when plantings seeds, flowers or your garden, write down on a piece of paper of what you want to manifest and create. Plant that piece of paper in the dirt. As your plants have new life so will you in what you want to create. 

Lastly, I wanted to share that after we made the prayer flags, I looked over to my friend and just gave her a smile. I felt like I was in the right place at the right time. I was happy to be learning and making these new tools to use during ceremony and even happier I was there spending the day with my friend. I look down and saw this sweet little heart laying on the ground, made out of a rose petal {part of the material we put in the pockets of our prayer flags}.

rose heart.jpg

To top off the whole experience, we sat in this beautiful room, over looking a pond, listening to birds singing and it was a beautiful Spring Day. To celebrate Mother Earth herself, learning ceremonies to celebrate all of the beautiful nature that surrounds us. 

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Singing Bowl

I wanted to share my amazing singing bowl and the story behind it, as well as the importance of using a singing bowl as a tool in healing. 

My singing bowl {pictured below} was gifted to me from my dear friend Stacey. I had been talking her ear off non stop about going to these sound healing meditations and how I love the impact a singing bowl has. {She probably got sick of me saying how bad I needed to have one in my life, haha} But in all seriousness, she gave it to me this past Christmas and it was probably one of the most beautiful things I have ever received. I was in tears as I opened the box and felt a connection to the singing bowl right away. It came with some great use and energy and I couldn't wait to give it a whirl.

I slowly started practicing, not really sure how to use it. I actually had to watch a few videos on YouTube. I use the singing bowl almost every single day. I can instantly feel a shift in my vibration and it helps me get in "tune" and in alignment. A perfect way to start each day and end my day. 

For some of you, you have experienced it each Sunday when I do my group collective healing work and some of you have been fortunate to let me practice on you in person during sessions.  

singing bowl 1.jpg

Using a singing bowl in meditation or healing has a lot of wonderful benefits. The different sizes of singing bowls give off a different vibration and frequency. Since we are all made of energy and have a vibration, we can attune to the vibrations of the singing bowl bringing in powerful healing. Each size also correlates with the different chakras. Think of "fah so la tee do" this is how the vibration of the singing bowls help you to healing, bring balance within each level we have energetically. {Hopefully I am explaining that well and that it makes sense}. 

Singing bowls aid in reducing stress and anxiety, guides us into a deep relaxing meditative state, improves immunity, aligns the life force flow of energy, reduces blood pressure and improves concentration. {See so many amazing benefits and probably some I am missing}

Click the "Watch Here" button below to listen to my Solar Plexus singing bowl...

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High Vibe Spray

A few weeks ago I was standing in front of my altar in my healing room. I was wishing I had a spray that combined my favorite smells, that I could use as something to raise my vibration. I started to mix a beautiful smelling potion. I brought it to work with me the next day and started spraying it on one of my friends, Brittany. She instantly asked if she could buy a bottle. Within a few days I had bought all the supplies I needed and set off to make the "High Vibe Spray". It was a few days before the full moon and I knew what I needed to do. I made the spray and mixed it all in a large jar. I put some of my favorite crystals in the jar as well. Over that weekend I had set it outside in the full moon energy. The crystals and the energy from the full moon really amplified the high vibration of the spray! 

One of the main ingredients in the spray is Florida Water. Florida water is dated back to 1808 and has many wonderful properties. It is used to cleanse negative energy from your body and space. You can spritz Florida Water anywhere you would like. It is used to clear any stress or depression away from the refreshing smell of the water itself. 

With a few other ingredients added to my spray {I'll keep that a secret} I wanted it to bring good energy to the person using it. It is a very light smell. The intentions I set with the spray is to help you feel less stress, clear negative energy and raise your vibration. Spray it in your home or office or on your body. 

If you are interested in purchasing a bottle of the High Vibe Spray, please feel free to reach out. I have gotten a lot of feedback from the spray and within a few hours of announcing the product I had a handful of pre orders and a few people already wanting to buy more!

vibe spray.png
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More Hearts!

I feel like I will continue to always share the signs that I see and their significance.

Recently I took a very last minute trip to Las Vegas with my husband. While we were sitting by the pool one day, the guilt started to creep in. I felt as though I shouldn't have taken a last minute trip, leaving my kids on such short notice, using funds that may be tight. But I thought to myself, "Why the hell not? Life is too damn short." As I continued to sit there and dwell on that fact I could feel the energy shift, so I could release the guilt and start enjoying the moment. It was 85 and sunny and we were soaking up some much needed vitamin D. We ordered lunch by the pool. I was eating a chip and I looked down and it was in the perfect shape of a heart. {See below} In that moment it was a complete reminder to enjoy being where I was, that I created this reality and that it was a huge blessing to be where I was. 


Here are a few more... 

This red heart was spotted one morning when I opened my blinds in my bedroom. The morning after my birthday, I never open the blinds to the window that this was out of. 

This red heart was spotted one morning when I opened my blinds in my bedroom. The morning after my birthday, I never open the blinds to the window that this was out of. 

On a walk with my family this spring, looked up to see this tree in the shape of a heart. Or maybe its two trees together to make the heart?

On a walk with my family this spring, looked up to see this tree in the shape of a heart. Or maybe its two trees together to make the heart?

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Hearts are inspiration!

When you see a heart, do you instantly feel love? Do you even notice? I am always drawn to seeing hearts in the most random places and taking a moment to figure out the meaning behind it. It reminds me that I am always surrounded by the Higher Good, God, Source Energy {whatever you prefer to call it}. I want to share some of the amazing times that I have seen hearts and what it means to me.

A few weeks ago I decided that I wanted to go down to the local coffee shop to work on this website and blog. It was something I really wanted to make time to do that day. I walked in to the coffee shop and it was a pretty hopping place. I wasn't sure if I was going to feel inspired to work or to write. I ordered my latte and went to put my things down at a table. After getting settled in, I walked back up to the counter to grab my drink. The gentleman making my latte, looked down at the drink and said, "wow, this is a lame heart." I started to feel my mouth drop and replied, "what? A heart?" I quickly grabbed my drink and went to sit down. I slid the cover off my latte and took a picture {see below}. This little "lame" heart was not lame at all. It became a sign from the Universe that I was in the right place at the right time and I quickly felt so very inspired to write. Giving me the inspiration to write about the Divine signs I receive from the Universe, in the perfect moments that I need the gentle reminders. 

{I have to add a disclaimer for my friends at Twisted Oak. When they said that the heart was lame, it was because they enjoy making coffee art and to them this was "pretty lame". Knowing that they could make something more awesome. But after having a conversation and letting them know that the heart inspired me, they changed their viewpoint. It was really an amazing sweet, little heart.}

The sweet little heart in my latte. Enjoy this latte at Twisted Oak in Prescott, WI. 

The sweet little heart in my latte. Enjoy this latte at Twisted Oak in Prescott, WI. 

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Energy, Vibration, Frequency

I recently came across this quote that pretty much hit home for me and what I have been wanting to share with all of you. "If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." -Nikola Tesla

The work that I do focuses on each of these things. I wanted to go a bit deeper into these terms to help my audience understand a bit more about what it is that I do. And how you can understand them on a day to day basis. 

We have all taken a pretty basic science course at some point in our life. Take yourself back to seventh or eight grade science when you start to learn about energy, frequency and vibration. Everything is made up of energy. Think atoms, protons, neutrons, etc. So that coffee cup you are holding onto right now, made up of tiny particles of energy. That chair you are sitting on, yup, you guessed it, made up of energy. All things in the Universe, people, plants, objects, etc are all made up of energy. Now take that a bit further, all energy has a frequency at which it vibrates at. If I am working with a client who is dealing with anxiety, depression, anger they will have a vibration with a low frequency. Yes, even words and emotions have a frequency. When things are at a low vibration, we become like a magnet for more lower vibrating frequencies. Our bodies, think science, wants like vs like. We then start to develop more lower vibration frequencies. Our physical bodies attract cancer cells, dis-ease, ailments and so forth. 

Now lets talk about the opposite. Sit for a moment with the words love, joy, compassion, happiness. Do you see how that instantly feels? You feel light, excited, peaceful. That's because these words have a higher vibration frequency. As human beings in physical form, we operate much better and things will run more smoothly the higher we vibrate. We have less illness, dis-ease, pathogens, in our bodies. 

When a client comes to me for a energy healing session, I will take assessment of what they have going on in their life. What emotions are they feeling, what ailments or discomforts they might be experiencing, Then I start to do the work. But hold up, I must make it clear. It is not only me doing the work. This is where it gets fun and interesting {and maybe a little woo-woo for some, but rest assured its all in good nature}. I call upon my Spirit Guides, {God, Universe, Source energy}, Angels, Ascended Masters, Healers and Loved ones to come into the healing room as well. For me this is where the word Medium comes from. I am the medium healer, the conduit for the energy to come through. For me, I sort of transfer the energy from the Higher Realms, to the client before me. It is really them {the client} that is doing and receiving the healing that they need in that moment. Resulting in my clients removing lower vibration frequencies from their body and leaving with a much higher vibration.

The most awesome thing about energy, vibration, and frequency is that you can raise these things almost in an instant. Although, I would love to see you as a client to help you work some deeper things, you don't have to wait. And I suggest practicing each and every day to raise your vibration. It will not only help you, it helps the Universe as a whole. It helps Mother Earth, family, friends, everyone for their greatest good. 

Here are 4 tips on how to Raise Your Vibration:

1. Gratitude: Expressing gratitude is a fairly simple thing to do to feel an instant shift in your vibration. When we focus on gratitude it raises our feelings of love, joy, compassion and happiness. All very high vibrating frequencies. Grab a pen and a pad of paper and getting writing down what you are grateful for. It can be even more easier than that. First thing each morning, place your hand on your heart. Feel that? Feel you heartbeat? That is the first thing you can show gratitude towards. Then simply make a list in your mind of the things you are grateful for in that moment. It's also a good thing to do before you go to bed. The first five minutes and the last five minutes of your day will shape the next twenty four hours. 

2. Get in nature: There is something to be said about making connection to Mother Earth and everything in nature. Take some time to quiet your mind, connect with your surroundings and just listen to the noises around you. If its nice and warm where you live, get barefoot and stand to feel that connection with the Earth below. You can also give a tree a hug. Their energy is incredible. I can't tell you how many times I have given a tree a hug and can instantly feel a shift in energy. 

3. Move your body: One of my go to things is to crank the tunes and dance around my living room. Running, yoga, exercise are also great things to do when you need a way to raise your vibration. 

4. Mediate: Surround yourself with candles, incense, crystals and get ready to quiet your mind. All of the things I just listed are very high vibrating objects. So even just surrounding yourself with those objects will shift you energy. I have set up an altar in my office space filled with crystals, candles, incense, and stones. All it takes is for me to just sit in front of the altar and feel the energy. I usually take it a step further by centering and grounding myself {more to come on that topic further}. Close your eyes and take some nice deep cleansing breathes. Imagine a bright light ball of energy entering in to your heart center and fill your body upwards and downwards with that light. That is a simple and easy way to introduce yourself in to a meditation. 

There are so many ways that you can raise your vibration. These are simple steps that I do throughout my day where I have felt that instant shift. If there is something else that you would like to add to the list, I would love to hear from you. 



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Okay Everyone here it is. Let me just start out by saying I am not a "writer". I have merely just started this blog because I have a lot going on in my head that I feel so called to share. Everyone keeps asking me, "what is your blog going to be about?" I guess that's what makes this so fun, is that I don't really have a huge structure in what I want for my material. I am going to be sharing some life events, things about my Healing business <obvious> and just whatever else comes to my mind. 

My purpose in this life is to share love and light, guide others to do the same, and spread it like a wild fire. And ya know what? Life isn't always Love and Light. I have to share my favorite quote; I'm mostly "Peace, Love and Light" and a little "Go Fuck Yourself". Yup, that pretty much sums it out. So while I am here to shine my light, its not always rainbows and sunshine. I am here to be real, honest, and authentic.


1) I am not too concerned with having proper grammar, so please do not critique me. I don't have all the time to make sure things are perfect, spelled right and punctuation in the right spots. Just over look my mistakes. '

2) All of the material on my blog and site informative, fun, and all about bringing awareness to you. Please read at your own risk. Try to keep an open mind and have respect. 


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