Brittani Frey Brittani Frey

When did it all start?

How did it all start?

Let me share my story with you!

Many people ask me if I have always had this intuitive gift.

For me, it hasn’t always been something I’ve been aware of.

I was always curious and fascinated when people talked about encounters with Spirits and getting intuitive nudges but for me I didn’t think it was possible.

Curious? Absolutely!

Thought it was possible? Eh, maybe.

Knew how to receive and trust it? Nope, not at all.

One of the first intuitive experiences I recall was during an energy healing session.

I was lying on the table with my eyes closed & I could “see” and sense colors and energy moving above my body. I was so curious what was happening but didn’t want to open my eyes in fear that everything would disappear.

I was going deeper and deeper into a meditative state. I wanted to know what Spirits were around me so internally I kept asking, “please come closer into my vision.”

It was moments later the practitioner started asking me about a loved one who had recently passed, a friend from high school. She interpreted all of the information that was coming through to her.

I felt his presence so deeply. She asked me to think of a symbol so that when it appeared I would think of him. I wasn’t sure but a rainbow came in. We finished the session and I was on my way for the day. A few blocks later (on a perfectly clear summer day) I looked in the sky to see a rainbow.

I was in awe.

I wanted more of those types of experiences. I’d always wished and hoped to have the ability to be intuitive, connect with loved ones, and receive and deliver messages.

It was that day I knew I had a gift and was ready to share it with the world.

I took class after class, worked with many mentors and teachers, and did all of the practice that I could.

And now my gift is to help YOU remember your gift.

We all are intuitive. We can all connect and communicate with those in Spirit and I am eager to help you get started.

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