5 Ways to Alleviate Stress During the Holidays
Thanksgiving and Holiday gatherings are upon us and I wanted to share some of my favorite tips with you to alleviate any stress. Try one or all of these practices to bring forth more peace, calm and higher vibrations to your own energy and to those who you are with.
1. Start each morning with at least 5-10 minutes of solitude. Within these few moments you can center your energy using your breath. If you would like to try out a guided meditation, click here. This meditation is a breathing meditation and under 10 minutes. :)
2. Extend your gratitude practices to those you love. It is said (I know I have said it a million times before) but gratitude is the key to raising your vibration. Share your gratitude with those you love by expressing what you are grateful for and showing them just how important they are to you.
3. Spend time out in nature. I know it has gotten cold out and the darkness appears earlier in the evening, but it still is so refreshing to get outside and breathe in the cooler air. Even if you just stand outside for a few moments, it will really allow you to center yourself. Take a few moments to also just listen to the noises outside.
4. Light a candle, incense or diffuse oils. The different aromas can be very calming and soothing to your mind and thoughts. Here are a few great smells; lavender, rose, vetiver, bergamot, lemon, peppermint, frankincense, ylang ylang, orange, neroli--just to name a few.
5. Consider different herbal supplements or vitamins. I have been taking 5 different varieties of mushrooms that have wonderful health benefits. You can check them out here. Use code Brittani10 for a discount. Vit D is also a great supplement to start taking this time of year since our exposure to the sun is a bit more limited.
And lastly, if you are needing extra support or guidance during this season, I am right here for you. I have a handful of wonderful services, check them out here.