Your Inner Light!
Your inner light...
an expression of your true essence. It is the energy that courses through your spiritual being. It holds the keys and codes to your soul.
When you connect to your inner light, you will start to remember who you truly are at the core of your being.
It holds the power of who you truly are.
It guides you into understand more about who you authentically are.
It can be dim or it can shine bright. The more aligned you are to your true self, the brighter your light will be.
Here are ways to express and experience your inner light:
1. Get to know what your inner light feels like. We each carry our own unique vibration signature that resides within our core. What does yours feel like? There may be things that impact our inner light. Does it dim around certain people or in certain situations? Does it feel bright and radiant after meditation or when we feel deeply loved?
2. Shine your light. It is doing a disservice to yourself and others if you keep your light hidden. Its the energy that you emit to the world that will be felt. This is what will increase that light and the connection to your soul. Be ready to be seen!
3. Practice deepening your connection to your light and allowing it to be your guidance system. You can do this by meditation, by visualizing your light expanding, and reflecting on the instances that make it feel brighter than ever!
You, my darling, are ready to shine. You are ready to set your soul on fire and become unstoppable! To use that inner light to be the powerful being that you are meant to be!