“If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.” -Margaret Atwood

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Action steps you CAN take TODAY!

If you have been following me for awhile now, you know that I have been passionately guiding others to “Living Your Life in Alignment”. I am currently running the third group through this program. There are some people that have taken it more than once and some people this is their first time. I have to say, I love watching all of the magic unfold for the attendees.

There are a few action steps I wanted to share with you today that could get you on the fast track of alignment. Wait, hold up, it can be fast but it is also work each day. These are steps I take on a daily basis and its not to say that it is easy work but it is worth it. I still encounter ebbs, obstacles, challenges, whatever you want to call it. The following are ways that have lead me to know that this work is super powerful!

1. Create a daily practice: Each day carve out some special “me time” to do something that feels good to you. Journal, color/get creative, mediate. get out in nature, take a bath, workout, read a book, listen to your favorite podcast, etc. TAKE time for you every. single. day.

2. Practice gratitude: This is a must. And not just because it is the week of Thanksgiving, but do this every day and throughout your day. Gratitude will instantly raise your vibration but it will also take those “not so fun tasks” or those obstacles from feeling crappy to feeling AMAZING!

3. Learn ways to refocus your energy: If you know that there is a particular task that is coming up that you have to do but might not enjoy; refocus your energy. Redirect your energy to joy, love, compassion, grace, peace, etc. and look at the situation at hand with all of that energy you just created. It will shift the energy of the task to become more enjoyable!

4. Take away the “shoulds": What this means if you catch yourself ever saying “I should do xyz” then eliminate it from your life. Using the word should puts you in the energy of obligation which means it does not bring good energy with it. Instead to the things that “I get to”. See how the energy completely just changed with those phrases?

5. Connect with your heart and follow it: Each and every single day place your hand on your heart. Connect to this energy, expand it, follow the guidance system that is within. That is your intuition and your higher self. It always knows the answer!


If YOU are ready to take the next steps and want to learn more on how to live your life in alignment, check out my next upcoming program! Living your Life in Alignment to me means living your life feeling good (most of the time), having awareness to get yourself back in alignment when life’s natural ebbs pull you out, and so much more! The next program will start on January 6th! Send me a reply at brittani@healinglovelight.com if you would like to join the January program!

I love to hear from you! If you would like to reply and let me know what has really worked well for you, I would love to hear! Also to stay updated with upcoming events and happenings, sign up for my newsletter. You will receive a free gift for signing up!

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Living an Inspired Life

I am currently reading a book, “Living an Inspired Life: Your Ultimate Calling” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. If you haven't read this book yet, I believe it is a must. I had checked out this book a few weeks ago from the library and the day I picked it up to start to read, I knew it was Divine Timing. Within the first chapter it spoke loud and clear to me.

Here is an excerpt of the first chapter.

“I think of the word inspiration as meaning “being in-Spirit.” When we’re in Spirit, we’re inspired…and when we’re inspired, its because we’re back in-Spirit, fully awake to Spirit within us. Being inspired is an experience of joy: We feel completely connected to our Source and totally on purpose; our creative juices flow, and we bring exceptionally high energy to our daily life. We’re not judging others or ourselves—we’re uncritical and unbothered by behaviors or attitudes that in uninspired moments are frustrating. Our heart sings in appreciation for every breath; and we’re tolerant, joyful, and loving.”

Since picking up this book to read (I am only a few chapters in) it has made me look at life with a different perspective. It is a great example and eye opening experience to look at life as being in-Spirit. We all came here as Spiritual beings from the same Source energy. And to remember that is so important. When you are living in-Spirit, you are living with less judgment and more love and joy, as stated above.

Here is another excerpt that I enjoyed reading;

“If we can remember that we’re responsible for what we’re attracting, we can eliminate the negative energy we wallow in. If what we desire is to be inspired and feel joy, but the opposite keeps showing up, rather than cursing fate, we can view ourselves as simply being out of creative vibrational alignment. We can shift our vibrations, in the form of thoughts, to those that are more harmonious with our desires, and we can then begin to take small steps necessary for our inspiration to be sensed. Source energy will cooperate with us when we seek it energetically—moreover, we begin to reassess our lives for misaligned attractions and imagined bad luck.”

This is also something that really spoke loud and clear to me as I have shared this information with my clients in the past. Our thoughts create our beliefs and our beliefs create our reality. We all came from Source energy with a contract or multiple contracts that we need to fulfill in this lifetime. It is so interesting and a great reminder that everything that happened to us in this lifetime we chose to create. The good, the bad, the ugly it is all things that we chose to sign up for. The next time you think your co-worker frustrates you and question everything you do, ask yourself, “what is this teaching me? Why did I choose this experience?” Maybe what it is teaching you is to have compassion towards people regardless of how they make you feel. See that your experiences are for the greater good and you will gain a whole new perspective on past and future events that will unfold.

The first thing I want you to focus on with living an inspired life, is living your life with more joy. If you are doing things in your life because you think you “should” you are not living in alignment of joy. “We deserve to feel joy—its our spiritual calling.” Make sure that all things you do in life bring you in alignment of joy. Do the things that call to your soul, that bring alignment to joy.

Here are some action steps to take:

1) Ask yourself are you living in alignment of joy?

2) Are your thoughts creating an in-Spirit experience or limiting you in some way?

3) Pick up the book Living an Inspired Life by Dr. Wayne D Dyer and start reading. It will be so eye opening for you!

Reach out and ask questions, leave a comment below or share my blog post if this spoke to you!

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She was still...

All around her life in all forms was filling her senses.

The rooster was calling the morning~ so fresh and new.

The fog was gliding ever so slightly on the glass-like surface of the water.

There were ducks, looks, crows, birds of all sorts. Geese, morning doves, trumpeter swans, woodpeckers~all sharing their songs and calls.

A beaver was gathering sticks on the shore to build a safe home.

An otter coming out of the woods to take a morning swim.

She was still…

And everything around her was embracing this new day.

The sun was starting to rise on the hill behind her. Filling the sky with pinks, oranges, and purples delight.

And as she sat in stillness~ her heart filling with so much love~for all of the life around her.

Gratitude for this new day and these beautiful creatures filling her senses.

All of these things filler her with love and joy.

And then a wave of emotion washed over her and she sat in stillness. Feeling this great emotion. Feeling this great connection to Mother Earth, Father Sky, the Ancestors and the beings of this new day. She is one, she is still, she is LOVE.

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