What is your Divinity?

The rush of emotions. The celebrations, the joy. The tears and the sadness. These are all the different emotions that each of us may be experiencing at this time. To me it doesn’t matter what emotion you’re feeling. What matters most to me is that you know, that whichever one is coming up in your experience is okay. What also is important for me is that we step more full into our divinity.
What is divinity? di·vin·i·ty

  1. 1.
    the state or quality of being divine.

Do you know that you are a divine being? That you are a being of light and love? And although at times you may not feel it, you may question it or you may have no clue how that may be truth.

I want you to come back to your divinity as much as possible. How can one obtain such way of being?

1. Focus on the now moment. Bring awareness into your breath which will pull you back into the now.

2. Release yourself from the media, social accounts, and just let go. Remind yourself often that it’s okay to disconnect.

3. Learn to see others through the eyes of love and compassion as much as possible. And honor these same vibrations for yourself. How can you lean into more kindness, compassion and love for yourself? For your community? For the entire globe?

4. Remember energy is continually pivoting. Changes are constantly among us. Whether it be in your own life or within the collective. Time is rapid and changes happen quick. Go with the flow and see the bigger picture.

If these times have been challenging for you, maybe you’re feeling an array of emotions that you’re trying to sort, or just need a little reset. Wherever you are at now, I honor, I see you and I love you. It would be my honor to guide you through a loving energy healing.

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{{Part One~Sacred Death}}


New Year, New Mindset